
Exordium Series

This is an introductory-level talk series aimed at mainly first and second year undergraduates. The purpose of these talks is to expose the participants to the various exciting fields of physics and allow them to explore different avenues, which include but are not limited to condensed matter, high energy physics, and astrophysics. Most of these talks are given by undergraduate students and science communicators, and provide a simplified, broad view of the field.

These talks require the bare-minimum prerequisites to participate and are designed specifically for freshman physics students.

Venture Series

This is a more advanced-level talk series aimed at students who are more familiar with the introductory material and have a basic understanding of the prerequisites. The purpose of these talks is to allow participants to delve deeper into the field that interests them and to allow them to learn from and interact with the who's who of the field. These talks are given by research students and expert professors in the field, and provide a more thorough presentation of a specific topic in physics.

These talks require some prerequisites depending on the subject of the talk, and are designed for more senior physics students (second and third year students).

Collaboration with IAP

Institute of Applied Physics (IAP) will be organizing a series of talks on alternate careers in Science, designed to highlight experts who did not pursue research but went on to distinguish themselves in non-research careers in Science such as industry, journalism, and policy. These talks provide a crucial perspective which comes in handy while making key career decisions. Ensemble has partnered with IAP to encourage the UG student population to participate in these key talks.

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