Lecture series (2024)

Ensemble Student-Centric Approach

Experience student-led talks aimed at fostering healthy interactions and facilitating a comfortable learning environment.

Ensemble's first talk of the year was by a first-year UG student, Dhruv Shah. Dhruv introduced the concept of non-equilibrium statistical physics, an oft sidelined field of physics, and highlighted various intriguing aspects of it. The talk covered:

  1. Langévin particle in a bath
  2. Quantifying noise in a noisy system
  3. The Wiener process

A simple understanding of probability theory and Fourier transforms sufficed to follow along! The talk was held on January 22, 2024, in the Old Physics Building.

Exploring Career Paths Beyond Academia

Gain insights into career paths beyond academia with our guest speaker sessions tailored for undergraduate students.

The second talk hosted by Ensemble tackled a pertinent question for undergraduates: what if we do not want to pursue pure academia after our courses here? To shed light on this, we had an IISc Alumnus, Shreyas, speak to inquisitive minds.

This short talk was relevant for people majoring in all disciplines. Shreyas discussed tech-related roles (SWE, ML, Data), quantitative roles, and business-related roles students could target post-UG. Other aspects like course selection, building resume and profile, and interview preparation were also discussed. The talk was held on February 3, 2024.

Shreyas did his BS(R) in Mathematics at IISc and his MS from Columbia University. Thereafter, he interned at JP Morgan over the summer, intending to join as a full-time employee.

Movie Screening and Science Discussion

Dive into the intersection of entertainment and science with our classic movie screenings followed by insightful discussions.

After two talks, it was time to introduce an element of recreation to our activities. What better way to chill and relax than to watch a classic movie and then discuss science! Ensemble organized a screening of the blockbuster movie, "Back to the Future", a quirky, fun movie that has undoubtedly directed many young minds to the science behind time travel, causality, and the like.

Hence, we had one of our conveners, Nikshay, a 2nd-year UG, pitch in after the movie to explain some of the scientific nuances involved in these wonderful concepts. We had great audience participation and everyone returned home feeling wiser. The event was organized on March 2, 2024.


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